Well it's taken a little while but I'm back! And man do I have some
news. Where to start, where to start...Angel!!
So his baptism (despite starting 40 minutes late) was an awesome
experience and he was so thankful to have had the opportunity to
become a member! He shared his testimony and it was so powerful to
hear. Then yesterday we gave him the Aaronic priesthood yesterday AND
he got his temple recommend!! So what does that mean? Temple trip!!
But then I got the news today that I'm leaving tomorrow...but he'll
still be able to go and do baptisms very soon and that's what I'm
really excited for. This morning we were talking and it was so awesome
to hear how grateful he is for the gospel and for all that we did for
him again. Missions are awesome!
So yeah I'm leaving Midwood tomorrow. And man is that crazy to think.
I've been here now for summer, fall and winter and this will
definitely be the area of my mission I look back on thinking about how
much I grew. My ability to speak Spanish grew as I trained, as did my
patience and so many other attributes I've needed and will need and
now it's on to bigger and better things. So we will see what lies in
store for me now!
There's no other real big news than that but man has it been getting
cold! I'll add a picture of what the temperature was like
yesterday...it made contacting a little harder but the lord always
provides a way! And one thing we've been hearing about is that as we
really put in a lot of effort, people will just come falling out of
the sky! Which sounds crazy but man have we seen it! People are being
more open to the message of the gospel and that's all we want to share
with others!
So that's pretty much all that I got for you all today! I am adding
more pictures and videos than usual this week though so hopefully
that'll be more entertaining that reading all of this! Until next
#1-3: Angel's baptism!
#4 comp pic
#5 zone pic #buffalocardigans
#6 About as crazy as I can get in the kitchen...with takis of course
#7 There should be more of these signs in New York
#8 Picture speaks for itself
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