It's been quite a while huh? Well I'm alive! I'm just lazy
but things have been rolling and I'm sure for most of you guys my mom has been keeping you updated. But real quick, I'm still in Brentwood, my zone leader is from Brentwood, CA and is now serving in Brentwood, NY so that's funny. I also have a new companion who loves metal and volleyball so we get along just fine. We also work hard so don't assume we don't! Okay now onto my week!
Well let's go day by day! Monday we had family home evening with the bishop's family and they rent out the first story of their house and they told us we should go teach the people who live down stairs and then we talked with the bishop who became bishop 2 weeks ago about
what he wants to do and he told us how he wants the members to come to church a little earlier so we spent the entire week pretty much teaching about the sacrament and inviting and committing the members to come earlier and there were so many people there 10-15 minutes
early and it was awesome! Then Tuesday we taught 3 member families about that and also got a referral from a Dominican family so we will be going and visiting that person this week and then we also went to this less active's house and tried setting up another appointment after the lesson then they kept canceling through the week and finally we went to this member's house who doesn't have the best family relationship so we have been working with them a lot. They are all just so different and they don't get along very well. Then Wednesday we only had one lesson but I think there was a ton of housekeeping stuff we had to do so that's why but it was another really good lesson with another family I've been working with. That was the Lopez family and the dad like loves me and he's so super legit and kind and giving and I love him! Then Thursday was the craziest day. We woke up, exercised, studied, went to this service for an hour and a half or so
where we had to help a member's husband (he's not a member) with moving a ton of stuff then went back to our pad, showered and changed then went to a lesson with a youth's cousin who isn't a member and had a ton of young men there with us and it was super good. Then we went
out with one of the member's from the Dominican family we taught Tuesday night and went to an investigator's house and the investigator is Daniel and he's super strong but he needs to keep some other commitments first. Then Friday was a really slow day because everyone kept canceling but we went to a less active's house named Luis and we went with brother Artola and he seriously just seemed like a normal member! The only problem is that he has to work on Sunday's but we asked if he would come on Sunday and just put faith in Heavenly Father
and ask for the day off or if you can come late and he came to church! And brought a friend!! It was so awesome!!! Then Saturday was a super good day. We went back finally and talked with these two kids who are getting ready for baptism but have some special needs so that's why
they haven't been baptized yet and we taught them a little more and what we are going to try to do now is go and see them every Saturday and Sunday so that we could possibly baptize them by the end of this month!! We also had an hour lesson with the girlfriend named Cassandra
of a less active named Juan completely about prayer and it was super powerful and we brought a return missionary with us and he helped so much and once again we asked her to come to church show. It was sad. But we just have to keep trying! Then yesterday we had dinner
at brother Artola's house, went to the house of someone we found on Wednesday I think but he wasn't home and then we went back to that member house with the not so strong family unit and so we talked about CPR (church prayer and read) as well as temples and it was so powerful
and I feel like the lesson really touched the son who needs it the most. I'm not sure exactly but I'm hoping! Then this morning we were studying then get a call from a member we're closer with named Sister Majano and she asked if we could help her with something and we were like hopefully it won't take long so we went and we get there then she takes us out for breakfast at IHop! That was it! We were grateful but at the same time I was like man we were totally deceived! But that's sister Majano for ya
what he wants to do and he told us how he wants the members to come to church a little earlier so we spent the entire week pretty much teaching about the sacrament and inviting and committing the members to come earlier and there were so many people there 10-15 minutes
early and it was awesome! Then Tuesday we taught 3 member families about that and also got a referral from a Dominican family so we will be going and visiting that person this week and then we also went to this less active's house and tried setting up another appointment after the lesson then they kept canceling through the week and finally we went to this member's house who doesn't have the best family relationship so we have been working with them a lot. They are all just so different and they don't get along very well. Then Wednesday we only had one lesson but I think there was a ton of housekeeping stuff we had to do so that's why but it was another really good lesson with another family I've been working with. That was the Lopez family and the dad like loves me and he's so super legit and kind and giving and I love him! Then Thursday was the craziest day. We woke up, exercised, studied, went to this service for an hour and a half or so
where we had to help a member's husband (he's not a member) with moving a ton of stuff then went back to our pad, showered and changed then went to a lesson with a youth's cousin who isn't a member and had a ton of young men there with us and it was super good. Then we went
out with one of the member's from the Dominican family we taught Tuesday night and went to an investigator's house and the investigator is Daniel and he's super strong but he needs to keep some other commitments first. Then Friday was a really slow day because everyone kept canceling but we went to a less active's house named Luis and we went with brother Artola and he seriously just seemed like a normal member! The only problem is that he has to work on Sunday's but we asked if he would come on Sunday and just put faith in Heavenly Father
and ask for the day off or if you can come late and he came to church! And brought a friend!! It was so awesome!!! Then Saturday was a super good day. We went back finally and talked with these two kids who are getting ready for baptism but have some special needs so that's why
they haven't been baptized yet and we taught them a little more and what we are going to try to do now is go and see them every Saturday and Sunday so that we could possibly baptize them by the end of this month!! We also had an hour lesson with the girlfriend named Cassandra
of a less active named Juan completely about prayer and it was super powerful and we brought a return missionary with us and he helped so much and once again we asked her to come to church show. It was sad. But we just have to keep trying! Then yesterday we had dinner
at brother Artola's house, went to the house of someone we found on Wednesday I think but he wasn't home and then we went back to that member house with the not so strong family unit and so we talked about CPR (church prayer and read) as well as temples and it was so powerful
and I feel like the lesson really touched the son who needs it the most. I'm not sure exactly but I'm hoping! Then this morning we were studying then get a call from a member we're closer with named Sister Majano and she asked if we could help her with something and we were like hopefully it won't take long so we went and we get there then she takes us out for breakfast at IHop! That was it! We were grateful but at the same time I was like man we were totally deceived! But that's sister Majano for ya
So that pretty much does it for this week! I'll try to get better at this but I also write exactly that in my journal and it's usually a lie so we will see what happens. Pero todo es posible con fe! Love and miss you all!
Elder Rossi
Elder Rossi
Here are a couple pictures from Ihop courtesy of Sister Majano! (She sends me lots of pictures and I love her for that!)
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